WAVE PTX eBrochure

45 | 337-436-7573 | www.lrcwireless.com Protect personnel Body cameras can capture and share live video evidence and location, sharing first-hand perspective, offering an objective record of truth, deterring aggression and providing rich insights that can improve operational procedures, efficiency and safety for all. Inform incident response Video security can provide eyes-on-scene and interoperable communications can share incident data and enable voice connectivity, helping to ensure responders and command/operations centers are informed and maintain situational awareness en route, during and after an incident. Optimize records and evidence In-field reporting applications can collect and upload data such as images, audio and video files into a centralized record and evidence management system, enabling the ability to automatically tag, securely store and digitally share documents, reports and multimedia, to save time and double-handling while enhancing evidence completeness and accuracy. Coordinate and manage effectively Protect personnel, inform incident response, optimize records and evidence Manage 7 Safety & Security Ecosystem